Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fourteen & Three

...That's how many weeks and days pregnant I am! If you ever visit this blog, and I don't blame you if you don't, because I certainly don't keep it current, you've already noticed the little baby widget and come to an educated guess about what's going on in our lives!

We are planning to have an ultrasound and find out the gender of this baby this time around. I have such a strong feeling that this is a little girl. We didn't have an ultrasound at all with Leo, and wanted a birthday surprise, even though I had very strong feelings that he was, indeed, a boy. Claudia was also a birthday surprise, but Karl & I found out with Caleb, mostly because of that strong feeling of mine about his being a boy, and I wanted to confirm. Ultrasound for this baby will be around the end of March.

Lot's of other things going on, too: Michael and I got married Jan. 25th, and took a honeymoon to O'ahu. It was lovely. We are settling in to married life quite nicely, I think. It looks like I will finally pass Chemistry this term, so that will be a relief! Michael is taking a Philosophy course, and I would trade him for Chemistry in a heartbeat. His brain is much more suited to Chem and mine to Philosophy!

More know, months from now!