Monday, June 16, 2008

Poop in the Potty!

Daddy helped Leo call from Albuquerque, NM yesterday afternoon to tell me (quite unintelligibly!) that he pooped in the potty for the very first time--Yay Leo! As those of you that have potty-trained a kid knows (or those of you dreading it, like me), this is a BIG deal!

Leo was sooo cute on the phone; even though it was hard to understand him, he got his message across by enthusiasm alone. I gotta say, it won't break my heart if he comes home from this trip with daddy completely potty-trained. Are you reading this, Michael???

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Trip to Lava

Taking the waters in Lava Hot Springs was not on top of Leo's list, but I sure enjoyed it (sorry about the swimsuit pic!). This was just a few days after Leo's birthday, and when asked how old he was, his answer was "I 25." There was a group of older women--probably in their 50's-- in the little private pool, and I asked him how old they were, he told all of them they were 25, too--he was their hero for the day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Leo's Actual Birthday

This picture was taken two days after the birthday party, on the day he actually turned three. When Leo walked in to the living room and saw that all his latex balloons had "wilted" he said, "AWWW, my party is falling!"

Leo's Birthday Celebration

Leo is all ready for "Weo's Party," cheesy smile and all. We celebrated Sunday, May 25th, 2008 with a small gathering of family and friends. Thank You to everyone who came!